
Plays in the 1990s

1990 A Place To Stand
1990/91 Free For All
1991/92 Spirit Of The Age
1992/93/98 Imogen’s War
1993/94 The Threads Of Revolution
1993 Another ’45 (One-man show, written and directed by Rodney Matthew)
1994 The Lyon Mourns (One-man show, written and directed by Rodney Matthew)
1994/95 Beer Street
1994/95 Manchester-Super-Mare
1995/96/2003 A Woman’s Place
1997/98 If You Go Down to the Woods … tales from the Newbury by-pass
1999 Just In Time


Actors in the 1990s

1990 Gillian Baskeyfield, Jacky Hynes, Jon Keats, John Spooner.
1991 Clare Fairley, Neil Gore, Janet Hughes, Rodney Matthew.
1992 Judith French, Neil Gore, Rebecca Hall, Rodney Matthew.
1993 Rebecca Hall, Rodney Matthew,Lucy McAra, Richard Povall.
1994 Rodney Matthew, Joanne McGowan,Sandra Osborn, Richard Povall.
1995 Edmund Harcourt, Vashti MacLachlan, Joanne McGowan, Richard Povall.
1996 Edmund Harcourt, Vashti MacLachlan, Joanne McGowan, Richard Povall.
1997 Janet George, Edmund Harcourt, Vashti MacLachlan, Richard Povall.
1998 Elizabeth Eves, Vashti MacLachlan, Charley Moon, Richard Povall.
1999 Vashti MacLachlan, Richard Povall, Sophie Russell.
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