Our Vision
Theatre anywhere for everyone, by canal, river and road
Our Mission
To deliver professional theatre to people’s doorsteps, in relaxed environments
To nurture emerging artists
To commission new writing
Our Values
Mikron is committed to:
- nurturing new talent
- making theatre accessible to all
- enabling communities and venues to host events
- telling stories about uniquely British things
- respecting and listening to both our workforce and audiences
- ethical procurement as locally as possible
- exploring Britain’s heritage, zeitgeist moments in history, concerns or issues of the day
- to produce plays with a social conscience
- forging partnerships with like-minded organisations
Mikron has had an enormous impact on the cultural life of British communities over the last 52 years. We connect with people who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to see professional, engaging live theatre.
Our ongoing evaluation and impact assessments tells us that we really do make a difference.
For financial statements, you can view our Charity Commission returns.